- 022 2811 5288 Mobile: 7700098588
- admin@shantinagarhighschool.com
- Mon - Fri : 09:00 - 17:00
About Us

About Us
Where our students become leaders of the World.
Education is a stepping stone towards growth and prosperity of a human life. With this philosophy in mind we opened the school in 1987. Our vision behind setting up the first school in Mira road was with an aim to play a contributing role in enabling the children here to have a grand vision for life to come , to equip them with overall ability to face challenges of life and to provide precise skills to convert this vision into a reality.
Mankind is poised to enter a brave new age, an age where an effective level of international competitiveness is proving to be of essence. Our Honourable Ex-President Shri A.P.J. Abdul Kalam has given us a dream and aim to transform our country to a “Developed Country” from a “Developing Country”.

Our Journey
Having reached a mile stone, by achieving our vision and dreams set 25 years ago, our school has chosen to re-create a new environment, where thinking and educating both the mind and heart are woven together.
What our country needs today is the education of both the mind and heart. This would enable our future students to acquire the competence to see and the courage to act with a loving heart and eradicate the ills that our country is facing.
Various curricular, extra curricular and cultural activities happening in our school are aimed at the total personality development of the students. Our learned, concerned, responsible and experienced Principal, Staff & Teachers endeavour to unleash the deeply embedded rational power in the mind and heart of the students.

Our Great Vision
Our vision behind setting up the first school in Mira road was with an aim to play a contributing role in enabling the children here to have a grand vision for life to come , to equip them with overall ability to face challenges of life and to provide precise skills to convert this vision into a reality.

Best education that your child would ever receive.

We help the students to research on various topics of their curriculam.

Train them for sports activities to ignite their leadership skills.

A proper management is the key to brighten your child's future.

Our Mission
Education is not about running a race with your classmates and topping the list. It is about soaking in all the knowledge gained during the process, it is about translating that knowledge into wisdom and about applying that wisdom. It is about excellence, it is about running a race with yourself and emerging a winner in your own eyes.
The concept of new age academics, where we inculcate holistic education in our students, is the need of the hour. Today, learning has undergone various changes and we as teachers need to inculcate those changes in ourselves and enable our students to become global citizens. If children cannot learn the way we teach, then we should teach the way they learn. With a crystal clear mission in our mind we are ready to bring a new era of holistic learning for the students.

Our History
Our school aims at an all round training for the students to enable them to be value oriented, morally upright, intellectually well informed, socially concerned, nationally conscious, mentally balanced and physically well developed.
We involve our children in various activities like Elocution, debates, singing, dramatics sports and many more throughout the year. Enumerating all of them here will be impossible. We have strong house loyalty, that defines a very competitive participation. Special efforts are initiated to promote sports and develop healthy eating habits to boost the stamina of our children. We have been making the parents and students aware of the ill-effects of junk food. All these activities happening in our school are aimed at the total personality development of the students. In times, like ours when the adolescent world is ridden with misdirected energies and self ignorance, we motivate our children to channelise their energy into constructive activities like art and craft. To encourage budding scientists, we have exhibitions where children display their projects. It is a humble effort to develop their creativity and enhance their intellectual ability to imagine.